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Capital U Pres home 1930-1962 175.jpg
Capital U Pres home in Bexley of Presidents home until 1928-29165 enh 2.jpg
Capital U Pres home in Bexley of Presidents home until 1928-29165 enh.jpg
Capital U Pres home in Bexley of Presidents home until 1928-29165.jpg
Capital U Pres home residence 1962 176.jpg
Capital U Pres Otto Mees 1913-1946 Prexi141.jpg
Capital U Pres Otto Mees 1913-1946140.jpg
Capital U Pres Otto Mees may be 113 enh head only.jpg
Capital U Pres Otto Mees may be 113 enh.jpg
Capital U Pres Otto Mees may be 113.jpg
Capital U Prof Ackerman Carl Eng Language 1909-1937145.jpg
Capital U Prof Conrad Bruno Gohdes history146.jpg
Capital U prof Emanuel Schmidt c1984104.jpg
Capital U prof Emanuel Schmidt c1990103.jpg
Capital U Prof Grover Orr chemistry 1917-1918 1963150.jpg
Capital U Prof Homer Dana Strother Director of Music Dept 1918-1924 music thery violin instructor147.jpg
Capital U prof Lenski Gerharo Lenski121.jpg
Capital U Prof Linski Dr R C H Lenski Deanof Seminary c 1910-1936 Systamatic Theology -Ski-143.jpg
Capital U Prof Mille Herinine DeNagy - Frenchie- 1st femail prof 1916-1918149.jpg
Capital U Prof Paul L Schacht English 1923 - 1924 - 1963 148.jpg
Capital U prof Rev Carl Schmalz c 1984 106.jpg
Capital U prof Rev Prochl c 1990107.jpg
Capital U prof Rev Trebel c 1984105.jpg
Capital U Prof Singer mathmatics - Shorty -144.jpg
Capital U Rudolf Memorial Library168.jpg